Thursday, June 30, 2011


     Well, 25 days until I embark on the adventure of a life time.  With God at the forefront, many great things will be accomplished.  I am getting to the point where I just want to GO!  I find myself writing little lists here and there with things I still need to pick up when I'm out and a bout and thinking about packing and what I should bring or not bring.  (I have a month, but hey, I'm a planner!!)  This is such a new experience for me and I have been enjoying every minute of it thus far.  I am holding on to the thought that these next 25 days are days in which I can continue to prepare my heart for what God has in store for me and my team while we are in Haiti.  Studying God's Word and praying for Haiti and the people we will encounter while there, our team, safety and God's protection have been consuming me and my thoughts.  Praise God for my team and how great they are, I am really looking forward to going on this adventure with them, sharing an experience that no one else will be able to fully understand and also in getting to know them better. 
     "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."  Philippians 2:1-4

      Praying my team will come together, unified, for one purpose and glorify God in all that we do while in Haiti and at home and that we will humble ourselves and look to others needs before our own throughout this experience.  Please pray for us as we continue to prepare our hearts for this experience.

Bondye Beni'ou (God Bless You)

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Story

As I mentioned before, writing my story has been a bit intimidating for me this time around.  I share my story with my softball athletes every year, and have shared my story with my small group, and with others as well, but for some reason writing my story in a way that the people of Haiti will see the Lord seems daunting.  How can I relate to them?  Here are people who literally have nothing, who have experienced some of the most difficult loss and trials any human can face.  Then there is me...Blessed beyond measure, living in the richest country in the world, surrounded by family and friends who love and support me, have no true worries in this world and I am supposed to touch someone with my story?  Seems hard for me to grasp, as I am prepared to be touched deeply by the stories we hear from those we will be serving in Haiti much more than anything I can share with them. 

Even after all of what I have been feeling in writing my story, I truly believe we each have a story worth telling and that God has his fingerprint on my life and his grace, forgiveness and handiwork can be seen in what Jesus has done in my life.  And so I share part of my story...

My Mom died from cancer when I was fifteen.  Watching my Mom die slowly, right before my eyes, has been the most difficult experience I have ever had even to this day.  When Mom died, the bottom fell out of my world as I knew it.  I was strong for my Dad and sister, family and friends and I learned to pour myself into my activities and athletics I was involved in to get away from the pain of the loss I had experienced.  This worked for awhile, but eventually (after about a year) putting on a face that everything was alright didn't work for me.  I had a void in my life that couldn't be filled with activities and keeping busy. 

I had grown up in the Catholic Church and believed in God, and found God was an easy target for my anger and hurt.  I was angry with God for taking my mom away from me.  I hadn't stepped in church since the funeral, but I was out of options in my mind for where to turn so I picked up my Bible off my nightstand and began to read the Gospels.  I didn't know what I was looking for, but found comfort in reading God's Word.  Fast forward a few months....I attended a basketball camp at Northwestern College summer after my junior year in high school and left there after a week of ball and hearing God's Word in a new, passionate way, that I wanted what those people had.  (This camp just happened to be one that I was invited to go to and opened athletic opportunities for the future at NWC.  I know God had his hand on getting me there.)  I realized at that time, for the first time in my life, that believing in God and knowing Jesus intimately as my personal savior and friend, were two different things. 

The void in my life was filled once I accepted Jesus into my life.  I confessed to him all of my pent up anger, my grief over the loss of my mom, all of my teenage mistakes and prayed he would take them all and make me a new creation.  It says in 2 Corinithians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!"  I clung to that verse.  I had an overwhelming sense of peace and new direction for my life. 

Looking back, that was over ten years ago, and I know with all my heart that losing my mom at such an early age helped mold me and shape me into the woman I am today.  I would not have attended Northwestern College where I gained much knowledge and a great education, I would not have met my husband Travis, nor would I have had the opportunity to play softball and now be the Head Softball Coach at Northwestern College, or have had the numerous opportunities to share empathy with those who have experienced a loss of some kind in a special way.  God has made me a strong, resilient individual, who has great compassion for people and a heart that enjoys comforting those who are hurting or going through difficult times in life.  I am thankful for God and for the joy that I have in knowing Jesus and how blessed I am that he has used the loss of Mom for good in my life.  "And we know that in all  things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As I prepare for my trip, I have been thinking a lot about how I can be best prepared for this unknown ahead.  Eagle Brook has given us a little book with some lessons that have seemed to help open my eyes to a few different things I hadn't thought about, I have been reading my Bible daily and am soaking up God's Word with new insight and perspective, and I am enjoying learning more about the Haitian people and their country.  I read different blogs, I check the Healing Haiti website almost daily to see if there is a new post on their blog and have read through all of their past blogs from people who have gone on this trip before me.  I am also attempting to learn a bit of Haitian Creole, their language, before I go so I can make better connections and be able to communicate with the Haitians better.  The website I am using to learn Haitian Creole is fun and Travis will walk through the living room while I'm doing a lesson and say the two words he has heard like he knows what is going on....Non-no and ak-and.....He's supportive of me, but enjoys messing with me as well :)  Owen, Lawson and Landon can count to three at this point in Creole and we're working towards counting to ten.  Fun times, I tell yah!

I am currently working on "My Story" which has been difficult for me.  I feel as though I have had so many life experiences where God has proven faithful and has shown me his unconditional love and forgiveness that I just don't know where to start.  I think I've started writing it at least ten different times, each time I scratch it and start over.  The goal is to have it be short and to the point so that I can share it with those I encounter while in Haiti.  I will share it with you when I am closer to feeling "right" about it.  I am praying God will open my eyes to what it is He wants me to share and am waiting on him to show me.  I would appreciate any prayer for me while I work on this.

Things on my Haiti prayer list these days:

*Our Team - "Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind." Philippians 2:2  I pray we will be unified in the spirit and come together for the same purpose, allowing us to do God's work for His glory!

*Our Leaders - I pray for Rachel and Sarah who are our leaders from Eagle Brook and also thank God for equipping our team with amazing leaders who are strong women of God.  I pray for Jean, the man who we will be working closely with while in Haiti and Fan Fan our translator, that God would bless them and their work and that our time with them would be fruitful and full of work for God's Kingdom!

*Haiti - I pray for the country of Haiti, that a corner would be turned and their government would be free of corruption.  I pray for the economy, health, safety and well being of the Haitian people.  I pray God would bless the people of Haiti and draw them close to him.

My goal is to live out our team verse and live it out to the fullest.  1 Peter 4:11 "If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen"

Bondye Beni'ou (God Bless You)

Monday, June 13, 2011


I was anxious to attend my first meeting to meet the people I'd be traveling with this summer.  I didn't know what to expect, but was excited to be there.  We received a three-ring binder upon arrival and went through all of the information included.  Wow!  What a well-organized, well-planned, helpful binder full of information!  I'm going to admit I was a bit overwhelmed with it at first, but the part I was most overwhelmed about was the fact that we had to have $725 for the following meeting.  Those of you who know me, I am a planner, and I was feeling overwhelmed with the idea of that amount needing to be raised in one month...

I feel a bit embarrassed, but I was just like the disciples in Matthew 8 when they are on the boat and Jesus is sleeping..."Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, 'Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!' He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm" (Matthew 8:24-26)  The disciples were amazed and wondered who this man was who could calm the seas with just his voice.

I sent out my support letters the Monday after my first meeting, and, by Thursday I had EXACTLY $725 support raised.  I opened up the returned response envelopes and dropped to my knees in awe and amazement of the graciousness of family and friends.  I cried tears of joy, excitement, and thankfulness to God for being so faithful.  How silly of me to think this was going to happen on MY accord.  God has opened my eyes to see that I am truly called to go on this trip, and that He will take care of me all the way through.  I will not worry, or have anxiety on how things will turn out because I know God will look over me and my group.  We are all called to go on this trip to help the poorest of the poor in any way possible. 

In the month since this experience I have been extremely blessed to be growing closer to the Lord in my daily walk with Him.  In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  God is in control and I am willing to give all of myself on this journey to what He has planned.  I surrender all, Lord, may your will be done!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why Now?

I decided it was time to create a blog for my Mission Trip to Haiti.  I know many friends and family want to know about my experience and I am more than willing to share.  I am in the process of preparing for my trip, and in doing so I have already seen God's work in what I have experienced thus far.  As I stated in my blog description I am going to Haiti in obedience of a strong nudge I have felt from the Lord.  I have always wanted to go on a mission trip, but have never had the "time" to make it happen or just felt it wasn't the "right" time.  This January when sitting in Church one Sunday, Pastor Bob encouraged us that this was the year to take a step in our faith.  He said, "For some of you that may mean stepping up and volunteering, for some it may mean joining a small group, and for others it may mean you need to go on a mission trip."  My heart immediately started pounding and I knew this was the year.  I have been blessed to be part of our Kids Check-In team at the Blaine Eagle Brook campus, Travis and I are a part of a small group, so I knew my accelerated heart beat was in deed about the thought of going on a mission trip.  I didn't do much right away.  I prayed about it, mulled over it, thought about the reality of it actually happening, and then I took a bold step and asked Travis what he thought....I applied the following week and here I am now 43 days before heading to Haiti for eight days!

I am excited by all of the support and encouragement I have received up to this point and look forward to taking you along with me on my journey.  The journey has already begun, so buckle up...Here we go!