Nap Boule! (Just Chillin') Today was another water truck day and we had a BLAST! We went to stop 4 and stop nap boule, which is pretty cool that their neighborhood is named that and that is was a chillin' stop :) Pictures are worth a thousand words, so today I will post mostly pics. You can see that it was an awesome day by the way I am glowing in the pics.
Helping this women get the bucket up to her head |
A Dad handed me this beautiful baby to hold |
Walking and Talking |
Sweet, sweet girl |
After delivering water we got to spend a couple hours at the Home for the Sick and Dying. When walking into the room for the sickest children I immediately noticed a naked baby crying in his crib. When I walked over there I saw that there was a dirty diaper next to him and that he had reached for it and got poop all over his hand. With the help of a teammate, I got a few wipes and cleaned him up. After putting on a fresh new diaper, I picked him up and cradled him. He stopped crying instantly. I spent the entire time with this baby. Each time I thought he might be content to put down, he proved me wrong, so I scooped him back up. I was able to feed him a bottle before we left and when I set him down in his crib he looked up at me with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He seemed content and I stroked his forehead and cheeks and prayed for him. As I was leaving I noticed he followed me with his eyes all the way to the door. I was emotional when leaving as I knew this was our last visit to the Home for the Sick and Dying on this trip.
Wilson with the pic of our team last summer! Amazing!
Before heading home, we had an amazing opportunity to see Wilson's new home. It is not far from the Guesthouse and when we arrived we were welcomed by his Mother and the rest of the family. Wilson was so proud to show us his home and he told us since he lost his Father, he is the big man of the house. When Wilson showed us his room, I noticed a framed picture near his bed that looked like it had a Healing Haiti team on it. When looking closer, I realized it was a picture of the team I came down with last summer! Unbelievable! I was so honored to have seen that and Michelle and I captured the moment. :) This stop made me so happy, and so proud of Wilson for being willing to show us his home, introduce us to his family, and for showing us how well he cares for his family. What an honor!
I would like to thank Ultimate Life Clinic for reversing my father's Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). My father’s ALS condition was fast deteriorating before he started on the ALS Herbal medicine treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic. He was on the treatment for just 6 months and we never thought my father will recover so soon. He has gained some weight in the past months and he is able to walk with no support. You can reach them through there website