Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 7: Embrace

Yesterday was my final full day in Haiti.  I embraced every moment throughout the day.  Every bump in the road, every smile on the side of the street, the beauty from the mountain top, the bond our team has made, every single moment. 

We started out our morning with church here at the guest house and each team member brought a piece to share for church.  What a memorable time together!  After church we brought donations to the tent city around the corner.  Wow, was that an experience!  Everyone crowded around and wanted a black bag we were handing out.  We would have to say, "La que ou" which means in your house, so that we could know which tents had already received items and to help not cause a riot over the necessities we were handing out.  We didn't want to get mauled.  We were in and out in fifteen minutes and it was fun! 

We then headed up the mountain and made three different stops to buy Haitian gifts.  Our last stop had an overlook that looked down on Port Au Prince and Cite Soleil.  It was a time of reflection and prayer for the people we have encountered this week.

We ended our evening by going salsa dancing with Jean.  It was a blast!!!  The Haitians are amazing dancers and made it look so effortless. 

It has been a difficult morning thus far, as we are leaving in a few hours.  I am getting emotional just thinking about leaving the people I have met here and I am longing for the next time I will get to see them.  I have a special place in my heart for Haiti, and I will forever be changed because of my experience. 

Ke Bondye Beni'ou